
T42 is our Win32 implementation of unix ntalk protocol.

Here is a brief summary of T42 features:

Whenever you want to talk to your alter ego who is 5000 miles and 15 hops away or next door, all you need is to invoke T42 and enter his or her IP address:

Could I interest you in a hot cup of tea?

Once you click the “OK” button your party will be notified of incoming request (provided there is an ntalk-compatible daemon running. of course there is a T42 on the other side!):

Tea-party invitation!

Now that we’re invited to the party we can chose whether we want to accept invitation, decline it or divert the call to our personal secretary. Luckily for the purpose of this demonstration, callee wasn’t around and we got to talk to the secretary:

Talking to an answering machine

After having a cup of coffe outdoors, one can check if there are messages left:
