the news
2012-12-11 21:18:24.402 UTC
PumpKIN goes OSX
I've done a lot of windows programming when I was using the system. I've been creating things I needed back then. Then I moved to use mostly (and then almost exclusively) linux and continued creating things I needed there. I still use linux a lot, of course, but I've also added another system to my everyday life (which, I must admit, I like) — Mac OS X.
I have to admit, there's no particular need in TFTP server and client on OS X, since it has command line tools for these needs, but still sometimes it is more convenient to fire up a nice GUI, especially when it comes to the server.
Anyway, to expand my horizons, learn a bit about the platform I use, dig a bit deeper into Objective-C, etc. I have ported the well-known PumpKIN TFTP daemon to Mac. (Icons were the hardest part).
This is the very 0.0 version, but it seems to work. And feedback is appreciated if anyone cares to try.
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2012-08-22 14:35:57.673 UTC
Put your brawn where your brain is
I'm taking down the bigbrother-1.00.exe that's been lying around peacefully and harmlessly — and hopefully unclaimed — for some 15 years until one day google's machinery didn't come up with the idea of its malicious nature.
Checking the file, requesting a review accompanied by explanation doesn't get one too far, if one is questioning something as magnificent as google's opinion: A review for this site has finished. The site was found to still be dangerous for users. No further explanations. No questions answered.
The file charged for maliciousness is not of a tremendous value for the humankind or myself and I only kept it for the sake of completeness. I do value myself, though, and do not exactly enjoy the treatment received.
It is interesting, though, to see google as a model of humankind or society at any scale — it has accumulated by now the intelligence ranging from utter morons to blindingly brilliant folks and moral attitudes from jerks to saints. And, as usually, vice has all the authority and power derived from virtue's achievements.
H -
2012-01-21 15:46:59.328 UTC
triple i goes 0.3
Not really a breakthrough, but the amount of small changes justifies a release. The new iii now consumes less memory when calculating integrity digest, accepts all files the card is willing to send and complains better when being wronged (the latter is only important if you haven't got it to work yet).
H -
2011-08-28 21:09:47.118 UTC
Pack of foxes
So Mozilla went crazy releasing firefoxes, so I thought I'd update fireflix to match. And so did.
Bad thing, though, is that I think I've lost the key for signing, I have no idea if it will refuse to update… I'll try to find the key, meanwhile.
But I hope it will make it to soon and this is, perhaps, where most people get it from, anyway.
2011-08-27 10:44:47.197 UTC
The engine behind this website becomes KIN itself. Again.
Yes, it has happened once already when I have released the c++-based web development monster for a speedy development of trivial pages that are better off as a static html. It worked well for a while (and I even have some enhancements never pushed to the public, though I don't think anyone ever used it, anyway). Then I have changed my mind about a year ago and simplified the code further, gaining more freedom and freeing more resources.
Now I've found some time to release this new template preprocessor to the innocent public that doesn't need it again. But do pretend and make the tinimalistic preprocessor feel welcome, even if it's not.
Meet the cliche.
H -
2011-04-27 18:00:34.167 UTC
Keep passing the open windows!
- Our free softwareKIN
- 2011
- tinimalistic template preprocessorcliche
- 2009
- Eye-Fi card manageriii
- 2008
- Sleeptracker® PRO softwarenapkin
- 2006
- flickr manager firefox extensionfireflix
- midi manipulation c++ library and toolsmidillo
- 2005
- c++ OpenID support librarylibopkele
- 2004
- convenience librarykonforka
- process monitoring daemondudki
- c++ web development enginesitecing
- c++ CGI support librarykingate
- 1998
- ntalk client and daemonT42
- syslog serverklog
- console mode telnet clientkinsole
- 1997
- TFTP server and clientpumpkin
- simple network monitoring toolbigbrother
- 1996
- download mirror evaluatordipstick